Ovarian Reserve and Breast Cancer
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Published: 22 August 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: Historically, oncological management focused on the cure of cancer, regardless of the long-term consequences; the advances in detection and treatment improve the results that impose several considerations on the quality of life and preservation of fertility.
Objective: To determine the gonadal damage of patients with breast cancer. Material and method. A prospective and comparative observational study of 14 patients with a history of breast cancer who received chemotherapy (group 1), chemotherapy and radiotherapy (group 2), independently of surgical treatment and 4 patients without cancer, control group (group 3), was performed. Hormone Follicle Hormone was taken, antral follicular count and ovarian volume with color Doppler ultrasound.
Results: The 14 patients in different clinical stages of breast cancer, we find that Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy decrease the follicular count, mainly when both are administered; with significant damage between groups 1 and 2; the follicle stimulating hormone levels increased in groups 1 and 2 with respect to the control group, without differences in the tests and the different chemotherapy schemes, all cause ovarian damage and present ovarian dysfunction. Currently there are different techniques to determine the ovarian reserve, the best is the measurement of antimülleriana hormone.
Conclusion: It is important to implement individual preventive measures that improve the quality of life including reproduction; due to the risk of ovarian failure due to oncological management, which increases the risk of chronic-degenerative diseases, increasing morbidity and mortality, and the cost of health.
Keywords: breast cancer, preservation of fertility, oncological management, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, ovarian reserve tests.

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How to Cite
Vargas Hernandez Victor Manuel, Ventura Quintana Valeria, Jose Maria Tovar Rodriguez, Victor Manuel Vargas Aguilar. (2018-08-22). "Ovarian Reserve and Breast Cancer." *Volume 1*, 2, 17-25